Business and People on the Move 2024
Smart Port City Final Seminar
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Developmental Psychology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Marketing
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Drug Development
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemistry
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Systematic Theology
Professorial inauguration in Turku
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Study of Religions
Smart Port City Final Seminar
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Developmental Psychology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Marketing
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Drug Development
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemistry
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Systematic Theology
Professorial inauguration in Turku
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Study of Religions
Challenges and Reflections for Developing Leadership in Educational Contexts
‘Tell them I've had a wonderful life’: Wittgenstein's final words from the perspective of the world sub specie aeterni
Kiertotalouspotentiaali on mahdollista selvittää lohkoketjulla
Vegetationskartering av Mönsfladan och Onsviken - ett återbesök
Epävarmassa asemassa olevien maahanmuuttajataustaisten työntekijöiden henkisen hyvinvoinnin parantaminen Suomessa
Effects of Cannabidiol and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Plasma Endocannabinoid Levels in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized Double-Blind Four-Arm Crossover Study
Xylose Hydrogenation Promoted by Ru/SiO2 Sol–Gel Catalyst: From Batch to Continuous Operation
Kulttuuriosaaminen opiskelijaterveydenhuollossa: terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten näkemykset
‘Tell them I've had a wonderful life’: Wittgenstein's final words from the perspective of the world sub specie aeterni
Kiertotalouspotentiaali on mahdollista selvittää lohkoketjulla
Vegetationskartering av Mönsfladan och Onsviken - ett återbesök
Epävarmassa asemassa olevien maahanmuuttajataustaisten työntekijöiden henkisen hyvinvoinnin parantaminen Suomessa
Effects of Cannabidiol and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Plasma Endocannabinoid Levels in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized Double-Blind Four-Arm Crossover Study
Xylose Hydrogenation Promoted by Ru/SiO2 Sol–Gel Catalyst: From Batch to Continuous Operation
Kulttuuriosaaminen opiskelijaterveydenhuollossa: terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten näkemykset
Bedömning av muntliga språkfärdigheter
Musikerskap, mobilitet och (finlands)svenskhet – en intervjustudie
Proteome wide profiling of kinase substrates - Biocenter Finland Emerging Technologies Grant
Development of doctoral double degree programme between Åbo Akademi Unversity and IIT Mandi
Nya didaktiska grepp i matematik- och naturvetenskapsundervisning för småbarnspedagoger och lärare
The Tensions of Street-level Social Work for Migrant Inclusion—Discretion, Differentiation and Deportability (NordForsk)
Academy of Finland Neuro Research Program "PIM Kinases in CNS"
Musikerskap, mobilitet och (finlands)svenskhet – en intervjustudie
Proteome wide profiling of kinase substrates - Biocenter Finland Emerging Technologies Grant
Development of doctoral double degree programme between Åbo Akademi Unversity and IIT Mandi
Nya didaktiska grepp i matematik- och naturvetenskapsundervisning för småbarnspedagoger och lärare
The Tensions of Street-level Social Work for Migrant Inclusion—Discretion, Differentiation and Deportability (NordForsk)
Academy of Finland Neuro Research Program "PIM Kinases in CNS"
Lignin seminar day 2024
Institut de Ciències del Mar - CSIC
Reviewer of a manuscript for doctoral thesis
Ports across Genres and Continents: Two Provincial Capitals in Nineteenth-Century Narrative
Launch event of the report "Cumulative Effects of the EU Sustainability Legislation (CEULA) - Impacts on Finnish firms"
Tooru Andoh
Marie Menegalli
Cécile Nusbaum
Institut de Ciències del Mar - CSIC
Reviewer of a manuscript for doctoral thesis
Ports across Genres and Continents: Two Provincial Capitals in Nineteenth-Century Narrative
Launch event of the report "Cumulative Effects of the EU Sustainability Legislation (CEULA) - Impacts on Finnish firms"
Tooru Andoh
Marie Menegalli
Cécile Nusbaum
The sustainability work of Åbo Akademi University is on display in Turku’s new climate campaign
Fiskars Group President and CEO Nathalie Ahlström named Åbo Akademi University Alumnus of the Year
The Research Council of Finland funds research into maritime traffic and democracy – researchers at Åbo Akademi University receive €2.6 million
Turku universities team up for sustainable development
Higher Education Institutions in Turku Promote Physical Activity and Wellness Through CampusSport
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Fiskars Group President and CEO Nathalie Ahlström named Åbo Akademi University Alumnus of the Year
The Research Council of Finland funds research into maritime traffic and democracy – researchers at Åbo Akademi University receive €2.6 million
Turku universities team up for sustainable development
Higher Education Institutions in Turku Promote Physical Activity and Wellness Through CampusSport
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Bildkälla: Åbo Akademis bildbank