Business and People on the Move 2024
Smart Port City Final Seminar
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Developmental Psychology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Marketing
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Drug Development
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemistry
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Systematic Theology
Professorial inauguration in Turku
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Study of Religions
Smart Port City Final Seminar
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Developmental Psychology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Marketing
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Drug Development
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemistry
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Systematic Theology
Professorial inauguration in Turku
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Study of Religions
Xylose Hydrogenation Promoted by Ru/SiO2 Sol–Gel Catalyst: From Batch to Continuous Operation
Wider implications for workplaces, organisations, and public spaces
AXL-TBK1 driven AKT3 activation promotes metastasis
Controlling for sustainablity : The role of a public organisation in enabling regional sustainable visits
The impact of international coopetitive relationships on surrounding vertical networks during COVID-19
Preface to special issue on heterogeneous photocatalysis: Mechanism and material design
The role of peers, teachers, and family on daily positive affect among school students: A 10-day experience sampling study
Hela historien känns som sekaisin: Vankelmod och säkerhet: Reaktioner i en intervju om pedofili
Wider implications for workplaces, organisations, and public spaces
AXL-TBK1 driven AKT3 activation promotes metastasis
Controlling for sustainablity : The role of a public organisation in enabling regional sustainable visits
The impact of international coopetitive relationships on surrounding vertical networks during COVID-19
Preface to special issue on heterogeneous photocatalysis: Mechanism and material design
The role of peers, teachers, and family on daily positive affect among school students: A 10-day experience sampling study
Hela historien känns som sekaisin: Vankelmod och säkerhet: Reaktioner i en intervju om pedofili
STRONG - Implementing democratic innovations
Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellowship
Carbon-neutral low-processed fuel blending component for existing infrastructure (FOR-BLEND)
Hälsa för lärande-ledarskapet
FIRI infrastructure grant to purchase the Helios Mass Cytometer
Brain Imaging Return to Health R'BIRTH, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
Bedömning av muntliga språkfärdigheter
Proteome wide profiling of kinase substrates - Biocenter Finland Emerging Technologies Grant
Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellowship
Carbon-neutral low-processed fuel blending component for existing infrastructure (FOR-BLEND)
Hälsa för lärande-ledarskapet
FIRI infrastructure grant to purchase the Helios Mass Cytometer
Brain Imaging Return to Health R'BIRTH, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
Bedömning av muntliga språkfärdigheter
Proteome wide profiling of kinase substrates - Biocenter Finland Emerging Technologies Grant
Samhällsteologi- nya förutsättningar i människors vardag och kyrkans samhällsansvar
Tzafrir Fainholtz
Launch event of the report "Cumulative Effects of the EU Sustainability Legislation (CEULA) - Impacts on Finnish firms"
University of Eastern Finland
Anna Aubry
Faculty opponent (first) at a doctoral dissertation
Teresa of Avila - Influence and Instrument
Dumitru Iulian Năstac
Tzafrir Fainholtz
Launch event of the report "Cumulative Effects of the EU Sustainability Legislation (CEULA) - Impacts on Finnish firms"
University of Eastern Finland
Anna Aubry
Faculty opponent (first) at a doctoral dissertation
Teresa of Avila - Influence and Instrument
Dumitru Iulian Năstac
The sustainability work of Åbo Akademi University is on display in Turku’s new climate campaign
Fiskars Group President and CEO Nathalie Ahlström named Åbo Akademi University Alumnus of the Year
The Research Council of Finland funds research into maritime traffic and democracy – researchers at Åbo Akademi University receive €2.6 million
Turku universities team up for sustainable development
Higher Education Institutions in Turku Promote Physical Activity and Wellness Through CampusSport
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Fiskars Group President and CEO Nathalie Ahlström named Åbo Akademi University Alumnus of the Year
The Research Council of Finland funds research into maritime traffic and democracy – researchers at Åbo Akademi University receive €2.6 million
Turku universities team up for sustainable development
Higher Education Institutions in Turku Promote Physical Activity and Wellness Through CampusSport
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Bildkälla: Åbo Akademis bildbank