{:formats=>{:default=>"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", :short=>"%d %b %H:%M", :long=>"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"}, :am=>"am", :pm=>"pm"} | Course | Room |
08:00 — 10:00 | Studier | E0407 Gösta |
08:15 — 09:45 | Finnish as a foreign language level 2 Vaasa campus CS00BT57-3009 | C0214 Seminarierum |
08:20 — 09:55 | Övis / Undervisning | D0609 Gymnastiksal |
08:30 — 09:45 | Ämnesklustermöte | F0507 Ma-dt sem.rum |
09:00 — 11:00 | Distansmöte | E0716 |
09:00 — 11:30 | Grundkurs i statistik del 1 | G0402 Datorklass |
09:00 — 11:30 | Grundkurs i statistik del 1 | G0405 Datorklass |
09:00 — 11:30 | Kvalitativa metoder II | F0724 Seminarierum |
09:00 — 11:30 | Mångprofessionell samverkan och handledning I | D0405 Modersmål sem.rum |
09:00 — 11:30 | Pedagogikens sociologi | D0402 Seminarierum |
09:00 — 11:30 | Theory of science, philosophy and methodology | B0529 Seminarierum |
09:30 — 11:30 | Studier | E0406 Gertrud |
10:00 — 11:30 | Biologi, geografi och hälsokunskap för klasslärare | E0507 Biologilab. |
10:00 — 13:15 | E-slöjd (inkl. lunch) | D0105 Teknisk slöjd |
10:00 — 13:15 | E-slöjd (inkl. lunch) | D0302 Textilsal 1 |
10:00 — 13:15 | E-slöjd (inkl. lunch) | E0210b Metallslöjd |
10:00 — 11:30 | Engelska (FPV) PLUK2 CS00CN74-3023 | C0214 Seminarierum |
10:00 — 12:00 | Kandin | E0407 Gösta |
10:00 — 11:30 | Läs- och skrivdidaktik | D0406 Engelska sem.rum |
10:00 — 11:00 | Möte forskningsgrupp | F0612 mötesrum |
10:00 — 11:30 | Oorganisk kemi 267101.0-3008 | B0215/B216 Seminarie rum |
10:00 — 11:00 | Teammöte FPV | F0407 mötesrum |
10:00 — 11:30 | The Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy and Didactics | F0507 Ma-dt sem.rum |
10:00 — 11:30 | Val och valmetoder | B0429 SI sem. |
10:00 — 12:00 | möte | ICT:s mötesrum |
10:00 — 11:30 | Ämnesdidaktik i gymnastik | D0609 Gymnastiksal |
11:30 — 12:00 | Teknisk service | F0724 Seminarierum |
12:00 — 14:00 | Studier | E0406 Gertrud |
12:15 — 14:15 | Gradu | E0407 Gösta |
12:30 — 14:00 | Analytics for Industrial Internet IT00CE00-3005 | B0215/B216 Seminarie rum |
12:30 — 14:00 | Biologi, geografi och hälsokunskap för klasslärare (grupp 2) | E0507 Biologilab. |
12:30 — 14:00 | Didaktik I för klasslärare | C0302 Akademisalen |
12:30 — 16:00 | Hållbarhetspedagogik och existentiella frågor | F0606 seminarierum |
12:30 — 14:00 | Kandidatavhandling i specialpedagogik | D0404 Finska sem.rum |
12:30 — 14:00 | Kandidatavhandling i specialpedagogik | D0405 Modersmål sem.rum |
12:30 — 14:00 | Kandidatavhandling i specialpedagogik | D0406 Engelska sem.rum |
12:30 — 14:30 | Kompetens och kompetensutveckling | D0402 Seminarierum |
12:30 — 13:30 | Praktikinfo | C0201 Auditorium Bruhn |
12:30 — 13:30 | Träff med studierådgivaren | F0724 Seminarierum |
12:30 — 14:00 | Ämnespraktik i gymnastik i åk 7-9 | D0505 Matematik sem.rum |
14:00 — 17:00 | Pedavoces, Oskar Mitts | D0307 Undervisningskök |
14:00 — 18:00 | Perhe- ja lapsilainsäädäntö | B0607 Seminarierum |
14:00 — 16:00 | Studier | E0406 Gertrud |
14:00 — 16:00 | Tlearn Assignment | Podcaststudio |
14:15 — 15:45 | Seminarier (utvecklingspsykologi) | B0625 Sem.rum |
14:15 — 16:15 | zoom | E0407 Gösta |
14:30 — 16:00 | Akademisk framställning (FPV) SK3 gr 1 CS00CN75-3026 | C0214 Seminarierum |
14:30 — 16:00 | Chemistry in thermal energy processes: principles, sustainability and environment emissions KE00CT18-3001 | B0208 CSK Projektrum |
14:30 — 16:00 | Educational Crafts | D0105 Teknisk slöjd |
14:30 — 16:00 | Educational Crafts | D0304 Textilsal 2 |
14:30 — 16:00 | Egenlärarträff | D0402 Seminarierum |
14:30 — 15:00 | Handledningsmöte | F0507 Ma-dt sem.rum |
14:30 — 17:00 | Hållbar livsstil ur ett hälsovetenskapligt perspektiv | B0529 Seminarierum |
14:30 — 16:00 | Läs- och skrivdidaktik | D0405 Modersmål sem.rum |
14:30 — 17:30 | Strängnäs besök | A0208 Mötesrum |
14:30 — 16:00 | Ämnesdidaktik i gymnastik | D0609 Gymnastiksal |
15:00 — 16:30 | Integrering av språk och ämne II | F0507 Ma-dt sem.rum |
15:30 — 17:00 | Stöd för lärande i läsning och matematik III / muntligt prov | F0724 Seminarierum |
16:00 — 18:00 | studier | E0406 Gertrud |
16:15 — 17:45 | studier | D0505 Matematik sem.rum |
16:15 — 18:15 | zoom | E0407 Gösta |
16:15 — 17:45 | ÅAU Sports - Ninas jumppa | D0609 Gymnastiksal |
17:00 — 19:00 | FSLF styrelsemöte | F0407 mötesrum |
17:45 — 20:30 | Pedavoces, Oskar Mitts | C0301 Foaje |
Afternoon event on sustainability reporting
Public defence of doctoral thesis in General History
Public defence of doctoral thesis in English Language and Literature
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology (Organic Chemistry)
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Process and Energy Technology (Process and Systems Engineering)
Public Lecture to honor Åbo Akademi in Vasa 50 years: Wandering Words
Lecture Series: The Maritime Industry’s Transition Towards Climate-Positive Goals
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Cell Biology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Nordic Folkloristics
Professorial inauguration at Åbo Akademi University – Turku
Public defence of doctoral thesis in General History
Public defence of doctoral thesis in English Language and Literature
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Chemical Technology (Organic Chemistry)
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Process and Energy Technology (Process and Systems Engineering)
Public Lecture to honor Åbo Akademi in Vasa 50 years: Wandering Words
Lecture Series: The Maritime Industry’s Transition Towards Climate-Positive Goals
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Cell Biology
Public defence of doctoral thesis in Nordic Folkloristics
Professorial inauguration at Åbo Akademi University – Turku
Affektiva verktyg: Redskap för att analysera outtalade känslor i text
Mapping the State of Digital Interaction Research: Challenges and Perspectives
Evaluation of bone marrow glucose uptake and adiposity in male rats after diet and exercise interventions
Role of pressure-induced stacking faults on the magnetic properties of gadolinium
Simulation study on the effect of increasing pellet proportion on burden distribution in the blast furnace
A GPU-Accelerated Bi-linear ADMM Algorithm for Distributed Sparse Machine Learning
Radiosynthesis, structural identification and in vitro tissue binding study of [ 18F]FNA-S-ACooP, a novel radiopeptide for targeted PET imaging of fatty acid binding protein 3.
Acceptance of Violence and Its Concomitants Among Students from Three Types of Schools in Pakistan
Mapping the State of Digital Interaction Research: Challenges and Perspectives
Evaluation of bone marrow glucose uptake and adiposity in male rats after diet and exercise interventions
Role of pressure-induced stacking faults on the magnetic properties of gadolinium
Simulation study on the effect of increasing pellet proportion on burden distribution in the blast furnace
A GPU-Accelerated Bi-linear ADMM Algorithm for Distributed Sparse Machine Learning
Radiosynthesis, structural identification and in vitro tissue binding study of [ 18F]FNA-S-ACooP, a novel radiopeptide for targeted PET imaging of fatty acid binding protein 3.
Acceptance of Violence and Its Concomitants Among Students from Three Types of Schools in Pakistan
EU Research and Education Network on Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy
Tillsammans kan vi! Mångprofessionellt samarbete över biblioteksgränser 2023-2024.
CompColl - Hållbarhetsfostran som förändringsverktyg
Ammonia energy conversion and social acceptance
Developmental and Situational Dynamics of Mathematics Motivation, School Well-being, and Learning
Kreativ personcentrerad vårdkonst
Tillsammans kan vi! Mångprofessionellt samarbete över biblioteksgränser 2023-2024.
CompColl - Hållbarhetsfostran som förändringsverktyg
Ammonia energy conversion and social acceptance
Developmental and Situational Dynamics of Mathematics Motivation, School Well-being, and Learning
Kreativ personcentrerad vårdkonst
Tvärminne Annual Seminar for Doctoral Students (2023)
Invited presentation: Muinaisia tulivuoria ja moderneja kielikuvia – erään geologisen tietokirjan tarina
”Tiden i barnböcker”, modererade samtal med Mia Österlund & Ann-Charlotte Palmgren
Conflict and Human Displacement
Physical Review X (Journal)
Streit Als Chance? Kommunikative Praktiken des Streitens als Vehikel sozialer Aushandlung
Supervision of MA Thesis in Social Exclusion
Accident-al care: A critical political geography of human accidents in Mumbai’s commuter railway
Invited presentation: Muinaisia tulivuoria ja moderneja kielikuvia – erään geologisen tietokirjan tarina
”Tiden i barnböcker”, modererade samtal med Mia Österlund & Ann-Charlotte Palmgren
Conflict and Human Displacement
Physical Review X (Journal)
Streit Als Chance? Kommunikative Praktiken des Streitens als Vehikel sozialer Aushandlung
Supervision of MA Thesis in Social Exclusion
Accident-al care: A critical political geography of human accidents in Mumbai’s commuter railway
Higher Education Institutions in Turku Promote Physical Activity and Wellness Through CampusSport
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Language cafés offer learning in a relaxed setting
What is legal in war?
IT master’s programme attracts global talent and fuels Finnish tech industry
Study: Stereotypical gender roles thrive on film
New Study Reveals Potential Role of TLNRD1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Disease
A Unique Initiative for Special Educational Support at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University
Coimbra Group Annual Conference focused on the relationship between research and education
Who’s allowed to be a professional?
The Academic Day 2024 honoured university cooperation in Turku
Language cafés offer learning in a relaxed setting
What is legal in war?
IT master’s programme attracts global talent and fuels Finnish tech industry
Study: Stereotypical gender roles thrive on film
Bildkälla: Åbo Akademis bildbank